ForumCategory: Share Certificate RetrievalHow can I check my share certificates?

How can I check my share certificates?Shares Recovery India Staff asked 3 years ago

1 Answers

Best Answer

How can I check my share certificates?Pravin Poloju Staff answered 3 years ago
Most of the people who are shareholders, do have their physical share certificate with them. In case of any lost or misplaced shares certificates, you might have received any dividends cheques from the company where those cheques have the details like certificate number and folio number of your share certificate.
Using that folio number and share certificate number, you can contact the company and check your share certificate. If you don’t have any details about share certificate you can contact SharesRecoveryIndia , we will work for you and get the details of your shares certificate by contacting the company and IEPF. If you have your shares in Demat mode, you can contact your broker to know the details about your shares and share certificate.